Monday, December 31, 2007

A New Year Prayer for You

Happy 2008! Can you believe it's already a new year? Time sure does seem to fly as we get older, doesn't it? This is my prayer for you:

May the Lord bless you and your family with a year filled with happiness, love, and good health. May you be blessed as you seek to honor Him in all that you do. May your days be filled with joy and may peace fill your hearts.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Equipping Your Child for the Real World

One of my goals for the new year is to make sure our children have the life skills they need for the real world. We have a daughter that is graduating in May, so this is very important to me to make sure all the bases are covered. I'm reading a book called "Life Skills for Kids" by Christine M. Field. It's a been a great guideline for me and I highly recommend it. I'm going to address different topics from the book as I'm reading through the book. The first area is age appropriate chores. I know when my children were much younger, I didn't know what they were really capable of doing at each age. Having a list was very helpful, so I thought providing you with one might be a good idea.

Age Appropriate Chores -

It is important to teach responsibility to children in the home. They need to know that they have certain things that are expected of them. Responsibility and work ethic are important things to instill in your children, in order for them to feel they have worth and to gain skills necessary to succeed in adulthood. Also, it has been shown in studies that children, including toddlers, who have household responsibilities have greater self-esteem and less overall behavioral problems.

12 to 24 months -

*Simple errands (using easy directions), such as: "bring mommy a diaper", "put this is the
*Putting dirty clothes in a basket/hamper
*Simple help with groceries, such as: putting items in shopping cart, helping put items on the
check-out conveyor, handing items to you to be put away at home
*Picking up toys and putting in toy box (don't really expect them to sort and organize too
much at this age)
*Yard work, such as picking up trash and toys
*Wiping up small spills and messes with a napkin or washcloth
Two to Three Years (in addition to chores previously mentioned) -

*Putting shoes and coat in proper place
*Slightly more complicated errands (continue to use easy directions), such as: "throw these
clothes into the hamper", "put this dirty cup in the sink". Child should be able to attempt a
chore when asked to
*Wash hands with help
*Brush teeth (I gave mine assistance until they were five or six, especially with flossing.)
*Helping sort dirty clothes by color, handing clothes to mom to put in washer, transferring
clothes from dryer into basket
*Picking up toys and books, beginning skills of learning to put items in their proper place
*Cleaning up after meals (ex. taking dishes to sink, helping clean-off table)
*Carrying light-weight groceries in from car
*Put books on the bookshelf
*Helping to set table
*Help feed pets
*Dust (We used socks on their hands as dustcloths.)

Three to Four Years (in addition to chores previously mentioned) -

*Water plants/garden
*Wash hands (without assistance)
*Brush teeth (with assistance)
*Pick up toys and put in proper place
*Put dirty clothes into clothes hamper
*Normal daily routines (such as getting dressed, breakfast, etc. in morning; bath, prayers, bed
in the evening)
*Getting the mail, keeping room neat, putting their dirty clothes in hamper
*Helping wash the car
*Helping put up groceries in proper place
*Help cooking and preparing food (with adult supervision)

Four to Five Years (in addition to chores previously mentioned) -

*Assist in making bed
*Feed and basic care for pet
*Put away clean clothes (May need help with folding "properly" for a little longer.)
*Set out clothes for the next day
*Simple vacuuming/sweeping
*Share toys with friends (practice courtesy)

Five to Six Years (in addition to chores previously mentioned) -

*Sharpen pencils
*Make bed/change sheets (with minimal assistance)
*Set table by self (No sharp knives at this point.)
*Learn to be polite, courteous, and to share; respect others
*Help clean out the car
*Keep room tidy

Six to Seven Years (in addition to chores previously mentioned) -

*Make bed/change sheets (without assistance)
*Wash dishes with help from mommy
*Fold and put away clean clothes
*Set out clothes for the next day
*Clean room
*Unsupervised responsibilities (washing out trash cans, etc.).
*Make pour own drink, get own condiments, etc.
*Simple help with younger siblings (changing diapers, watching him/her while mom showers,
helping with bath)
*Dress on own and choose outfit for the day
*Learn to tie shoes
*Answer the telephone and begin to dial the phone
*Pay for small purchases
*Hang up own clothes in the closet
*Pulling weeds and simple raking
*Carry own lunch money and notes back to school
*Start remembering to do homework on own

Eight to Ten Years (in addition to chores previously mentioned) -

*Care for self and simple first aid, such as: putting a band-aid on their cut, icebag on bump.
*Prepare simple meals, such as: sandwiches for lunch, salad for dinner, preparing drinks
*Learning to use washer/dryer with supervision
*Increased responsibilities for younger siblings (dressing infants/toddlers, entertaining them for
longer periods, helping with school work)
*Complete responsibility for their room on a daily basis
*Cleaning yard
*More difficult cleaning projects (scrubbing floors, washing windows, etc.)
*Saving and donating (if children receive an allowance)
*Bathing on own (do check on child, but constant supervision should not be needed)
*Help others with their work when asked
*Help make decisions when shopping for self and household
*Fold blankets
*Simple sewing (buttons, hemming rips, etc.)
*Clean up animal "messes"
*Pick fruit off trees
*Assist in household projects/repairs (painting, etc.)
*Write thank-you notes
*Feeding baby and younger siblings
*Do chores without a reminder
*Handle self properly when in public places alone or with peers

Eleven to Twelve Years (in addition to chores previously mentioned) -

*Join outside organizations, attend meetings, follow rules, etc.
*Being responsible for own schedule (homework, appointments, etc)
*Help put siblings to bed and dress them
*Respect others' property
*Help with yard work, including use of yard tools
*Buy own "treats" with personal money
*Help with car maintenance

Thirteen Years and Older (in addition to chores previously mentioned) -

*Responsibility for preparing family meals
*Social and health awareness (exercise, hygiene, etc.)
*Replace light bulbs and vacuum cleaner bags
*Wash windows
*Clean out refrigerator and other kitchen appliances
*Prepare grocery lists

Something to think about

I saw this quote the other day by Elisabeth Elliot and thought it was worth posting:

"One reason we are so harried and hurried is that we make yesterday and tomorrow our business, when all that legitimately concerns us is today. If we really have too much to do, there are some items on the agenda which God did not put there. Let us submit the list to Him and ask Him to indicate which items we must delete. There is always time to do the will of God. If we are too busy to do that, we are too busy."~ Elisabeth Elliott

I think we do have to be careful when our "to do" lists get too long. I find my focus is in the wrong places when I have too much going on. As I tell me family, if there's too much going on, I have a hard time being nice. And if I'm having a hard time being nice to the people I love to the most, something has to change. So, then it's time to stop and regroup and get my priorities in order.

Being the hands and feet of Jesus

My family and I have been discussing ways we can be Jesus' hands and feet. We are working on a list and this is what we have so far: 1) Prepare cookies or a fruit basket for the Ronald McDonald house, 2) prepare dishes for the homeless shelter, 3) work at the North Carolina Food Bank, 4) play BINGO with the residents at the assisted living where my mother lives, 5) visit with the residents on a more regular basis, and 6) prepare some goodies for the staff at the assisted living on a quarterly basis. My husband and I would like the children to learn to focus on someone else besides themselves. We want them to learn to be thoughtful and less selfish. It's so easy for us to get caught up in our every day lives and forget about serving and loving on folks who just need to know somebody cares.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Can you name your blessings today?

I don't know about you, but sometimes in this busy life we live, it's hard to have the right perspective and I tend to forget the blessings God has richly bestowed upon me and my family. So, I thought it might be a good idea to list those today. Today, I am blessed with a warm house (it's COLD outside), a healthy family, a husband with a job, gas in the car, food in the pantry, the opportunity to spend each day with my children, the freedom to worship the Father each day, the freedom to homeschool our children, for the grace the Lord so richly bestows upon me even when I'm not worthy (in my eyes), for the Lord providing the funds for a situation we encountered this week and for a family that loves me, despite my sinful self. God is good all the time and He deserves our praise! Let us reflect upon Him as we go about our daily lives.

Have a blessed day!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Making Your Home a Haven

Crystal Paine, over at Biblical Womanhood, has challenged us in the area of making our homes a haven. Here's the link to the challenge: . I don't know about you, but I can sure use some encouragement in this area. There is always room for improvement! Won't you join me?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Book Request at the Library Tip

If you are like my family and me, you make numerous trips to the library every month. Sometimes we have books we want, but they are checked out. So, I've been filling out the card to request the book when it's returned. I'm sure I've filled out at least 60 since I became a mom 17 years ago! The librarian suggested I put several address labels in my wallet to use on the cards. Now, why didn't I think of that before!?!?! *grin* What a great idea and time saver! So, go ahead and get your labels out and put them in your wallet now, so you'll have them the next time you need to do a book request at the library. (Mine are already in there, btw.)

Have a blessed day!