Thursday, January 31, 2008

Don't forget to feed the birds!

Instructions for making a bird feeder using pine cones!

Materials Needed:
Pine Cone
Peanut Butter
Yarn or Wire
Bird Seed

Instructions: Tie or twist the yarn or wire onto the pine cone for the hanger. Spread the peanut butter onto the pine cone with a plastic knife. Pour some bird seed onto a plate or shallow dish and roll the pine cone in it. Place the seed-covered pine cones in the freezer for about an hour or until it is set. Hang it outside!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snow Globes

This project is great for ages kindergarten through age 8.

What You Need:
Small jar, with lid (baby food jars work great!)
Glitter, silver or white
Glycerin (mineral oil or baby oil work as well)
Plastic toys (optional)
Seashells (optional)
Super glue or silicone

What You Do:

You need a clean, dry jar. Pour some glitter--just enough to give a sparkle effect--into the bottom of the jar. Glue the toy or seashell to the lid with waterproof glue. (Super glue works fine. Adults need to assist with this.) Let this dry thoroughly. Fill with water to the top and pour the glycerin in. Place the lid over the top, very tightly. Then shake the jar. The glitter will appear as snow in a real snow globe. When dry, turn the jar upside down and give it a shake. You can seal the jar lid with the Super glue.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Winter Snowman Snack

Young children can use fine motor skills as they create their own winter snack.

Materials: Large marshmallows, pretzel sticks and raisins.

Description: Give each child 2 marshmallows, 3 pretzel sticks and a few raisins. Have them take a pretzel stick and put it into the middle of one of the marshmallows, then place the other marshmallow on top. Take the other two pretzels and use them for the arms. Use the raisins for eyes, nose, and mouth. Serve with hot cocoa and you've got a special, wintry snack!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Snowman Cotton Ball Craft

This is a super simple, inexpensive craft for little children. My children really enjoyed making this craft when they were younger. I believe even a two year old can do this one! They enjoy the feel of the cotton balls. We used black pom poms for the eyes, nose and mouth, an orange pom pom for the nose and popsicle sticks for the arms. We made a hat out of black construction paper.

cotton balls (about 40 per snowman)
blue construction paper (1 sheet per child)
black construction paper
orange construction paper
brown construction paper

You can draw or trace two circles onto the blue construction paper as a guide for the children to glue cotton balls inside. Have the children glue cotton balls in two or three stacked circles to make a snowman shape. I like to squeeze some glue onto a paper plate or margarine container lid and let the children scoop bits of glue with a q-tip. I find it gets too messy letting them squeeze the glue right out of the bottle onto the paper.

Cut out construction paper shapes (adults can do this prior to craft time for young children):
BLACK: 5 large circles per snowman (2 eyes and 3 buttons)
BLACK: 5 small circles per snowman (for the mouth)
BLACK: hat shape (rectangle with a square on top)
ORANGE: Cut out one triangle per snowman (nose)
BROWN: Cut out broom sticks (arms)

Have the children glue their snowman faces, buttons, hat and arms to their cotton ball snowman.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Moms for Modesty

I recently came across a blog entitled "Moms for Modesty". What a blessing to find like minded moms! Here's the link to this blog so you can read their mission statement and sign the petition if you agree:

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow Book Recommendations

When my children were younger, we used Five in a Row as a curriculum supplement for our homeschooling. Two of our favorite books were:

"Snowflake Bentley" by Jacqueline Briggs Martin - From the time he was a small boy, Wilson Bentley saw snowflakes as small miracles. And he determined that one day his camera would capture for others the wonder of the tiny crystal. Bentley's enthusiasm for photographing snowflakes was often misunderstood in his time, but his patience and determination revealed two important truths: no two snowflakes are alike; and each one is startlingly beautiful. His story is gracefully told and brought to life in lovely woodcuts, giving children insight into a soul who had not only a scientist's vision and perseverance but a clear passion for the wonders of nature. "Of all the forms of water the tiny six-pointed crystals of ice called snow are incomparably the most beautiful and varied." -- Wilson Bentley and

"Katy and the Big Snow" by Lee Burton - Katy, a brave and untiring tractor, who pushes a bulldozer in the summer and a snowplow in the winter, makes it possible for the townspeople to do their jobs. Both of these books are recommended for ages 4 to 8.

Check these books out at your library and enjoy reading some "snowy" books with your children.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

January is SNOW month -

We hardly ever get snow where we live, but we still try to celebrate WINTER at our house. My children love to make snowflakes and put them on the windows of our schoolroom. Here's a link to one of our favorite snowflakes to make - it's a SNOWMAN snowflake! I think children ages 8 and up can do this without any problems. Here's the link to the directions:

Enjoy the winter season with your children! There are so many fun things to do to make memories with them. I'll be posting ideas in the next few weeks.

Stay warm!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Please pray for baby Gwyn and her mom

I know this is a blog on creative tips for moms, but I've been following this story for the past week and felt led to share it on the blog. The new mom suffers from Cystic Fibrosis and is on a list waiting for a double lung transplant. She delivered baby Gwyn at 24 weeks. It's an amazing story. I'll link you to the story behind all of this, straight from the new daddy -

I stand in amazement at the faith of this young couple. I've been inspired and believe you will be also. May we all be challenged to walk with the Lord more fervently.

They are asking for prayer, so please feel free to pass this on to your family and friends.

In Him,
