I'm sorry my posting has been negligent lately. You might remember me posting that I have been having some health challenges the past few months. Well, I was diagnosed with lung cancer a month ago. I've never smoked ever, but lived with two parents who did. I've been away from that atmosphere for 23 years, and have dealt with some other health issues, that more than likely caused this problem. Needless to say, priorities at our house have changed and now I'm spending my days taking care of my health. I'm eating healthy, resting when needed, taking care of details as they arise, trying to not get stressed, learning more about how to trust the Father, learning to give up control of my own life. Our life and times are truly in His hands. The Lord has been so faithful to guide us through this whole situation. As we look back over the past year, we can see His hand in this. You know, we make plans, but God orders our steps. We have been so blessed by the Body of Christ, in ways we have never experienced. Some days, all I can do is cry, because His love has filled our hearts to overflowing. Tears are healing though and God is working on our hearts and drawing us closer to Him. What better place to be in? Walking by faith and trusting in His plan, that's all He desires for us. I'm praying about starting another blog about this cancer journey. If I decide to go with it, I'll let you know. Right now though, I challenge each of you to make sure you take time to sit down with the Father every day, spend time with Him and let Him help you align your priorities according to His plan. He's writing HIStory in each of us! May He be glorified in all that we do. You are welcome to add our family to your prayer list and share this with anybody you know. I'll finish radiation on my back this Thursday, see the oncologist to start chemo next week. The cancer did spread and it was eating my bones in my lower back. Thus, the reason for the back problems that never got resolved. The primary cancer is lung cancer in my lower right lobe. Praise God that the radiation is working and for the first time in a long time, my back is not hurting and the medicine I take can be stretched out further. We are believing that God will heal me completely. I'm a fighter and intend to come out on the other side, healthier, stronger, full of the Lord and ready to give Him all the glory. We're not going to be just another statistic. The God we serve is BIGGER than that and He is more than able! One of the songs on my playlist (#2) has become a favorite of mine this few months. If you have time, take a few minutes to listen to this. It will definitely minister to your spirit.
Hug your family members, tell them you love them, and enjoy every single minute of every day!
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." ~ Psalm 91