Here is a list of places you and your family can volunteer throughout America:
Operation Shoe Box: Support our fighting men and women deployed overseas. Send "goodies" to the troops. Check the website for info on what to send and how to send it. Post Card: Send postcards to our troops overseas. For info: Sewing Projects: A list of projects that helps those in need:
Head Huggers - Sew for someone who has undergone hair loss due to Chemotherapy: for Kids - Guideposts has partnered with many leading organizations including, World Vision and Feed the Children to clothe needy children here in America and around the world in places like Romania, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Kosovo to name a few. Here's how you can participate: Wear - a nationwide group of volunteers who knit, crochet, and/or sew, providing handmade baby items to hospitals. All Care Wear items are given free to infants, children and their parents. for Hondoras - Much Comfort - Sew "adaptive clothing" for wounded troops: Smiles Pillows - sew pillows for young cancer victims:
Project Linus - provides love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans. Dolls 2 Love - Their goal is to pu a soft cloth doll in the hands of children in countries ravaged by war. They also ship to children infected with HIV/AIDS, children in orphanages, children rescued from a life of prostitution, children affected by natural disasters.. Charity - an alphabetically list of charities that need sewing volunteers: Project - provides more than 500,000 Snuggles to shelter animals around the world. Crochet, knit, quilt or sew cloth blankets for cats, dogs, and small animals in shelters. Christmas Stocking Project: The Newborns in Need national office donates full size Christmas stockings to different emergency rooms (hospitals), social service offices, law enforcement offices, health departments, etc. for use with children who would otherwise go without during the holiday season. for Preemies. Patterns that can be used to make clothes for preemies and donate to your local hospital: Angels! Creates quilts for children with critical, terminal or life-long illnesses. Each quilt is designed and made specifically for a child by women and men all over the country by donating one block at a time. Bears. The organization's goal is to make cancer bear-able by providing inspiration and comfort to cancer patients through the distribution of original hand-made teddy bears.