Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Today, let's tackle the KITCHEN clutter!

We're still working on cleaning and decluttering our house. We'll be tackling our kitchen today. The first thing we'll do is remove everything from the kitchen counters that is not essential for every day cooking (blenders, mixers, jars of dried beans, rice, flour, etc.). These items should be stored in cupboards. We'll clean out the food storage areas and refrigerator to make sure nothing is expired, moldy or rotten. Isn't it amazing how many science experiments we can find in our refrigerators? We'll clean out the extra freezer in the garage as well. Be sure to vacuum the dust bunnies out from under the refrigerator and freezer. Next, we'll clean out under the kitchen sink. We'll go through all the cabinets, remove and throw away old food items, wipe down the shelves and put everything back in neatly. We will wash down the fronts of all the cabinets. It will be so nice to cook in our CLEAN kitchen tonight! So, put on some praise music and get to work on cleaning and organizing your kitchen, ladies!


Lori said...

You have this decluttering thing down, girl.

Molly said...

Thanks, Lori. I'm a woman with a mission. :-)