These are some science experiments that my children and I have done:
Let it Rain - Make rain by using a pot of hot water and a mirror. The children can see the condensation building on the mirror until it finally "rains". This, of course, is adult directed.
Rain Gauges - Set up a rain gauge outside, record, and graph the amount of rainfall for each week and a grand total for the month.
Plants Take in Nourishment - Place a few drops of food coloring (blue, red, or green) in a tall jar filled with lukewarm water.. Snip an inch off the bottom of the stem of a in the colored water. Let it sit for a couple of days - watching carefully for any changes.
How does the Garden Grow? -
In egg cartons with planting soil - grass seed, mustard seed, watercress or herbs. They are fast growing and fun to sample when grown!!
"Hair" Cups - My kids loved this one! Plant grass seed or herbs in styrofoam cups. Have the kids draw faces on the front of the the seeds grow - their cup will grow hair!! They can experiment with childproof scissors and give their cup a hair cut!!
Take a whole baking potato (one with eyes on it works best), stick toothpicks in it (they'll be the brace to hold the potato up), fill a quart jar with water. Put the jar in a sunny window. It will root and begin to grow leaves.