Thursday, February 7, 2008

Presidential Election Unit Study

With the upcoming elections, I have been trying to find a good unit study. My children are getting old enough to be more involved and are asking lots of questions. I actually have a daughter that will be old enough to VOTE! Yikes! Where did the years go?!?!!?! Cindy Downes over at has a free, 12 week unit study posted for the primary grades. Here's the link:

Permission is given to homeschooling parents to use these units free of charge in their own homeschool only. These units may not be reprinted in any other form, for any other purpose (commercial or otherwise) without permission from Cindy Downes. Contact her at

Also, PBS has a good website with some great teaching helps about the election process. Here's the link for that:

I haven't found anything for the older children yet. If you know of something I can use, please leave a comment for me. I'd greatly appreciate it.

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