Sunday, April 20, 2008

It's Spring Cleaning Time - Let's Get Our Homes Decluttered

I love the changing of the seasons. It always motivates me to get some extra cleaning done. We tend to let things slide in the winter months, so then we have more stuff to clean and declutter. How about you? Are you motivated to get your house decluttered? I'll be posting some ideas in the next several posts. Feel free to share your ideas as well.

1 comment:

Beth and Benjamin said...

I have lots of clutter, but most of it is undone projects. Especially photo albums. Need prayer to get moving on those. Benjamin will be going to college and I won't have any pictures in photo albums. Yikes! Or worse, my hard drive will crash and I will lose the photos. It would just break my heart. I did recently put them on a backup drive but I think that just enabled me even further. Really enjoy reading everything on your blog site. Plan to do some of those experiments soon and order the art book. Thanks for sharing. I need to learn how to scrapbook. Do any of your crew do that? If so, maybe I could look at some when I come for the graduation. Might inspire me.