Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ideas for fun with water

When my children were ages 2 to 3 or 4, I would give them a regular size paintbrush and a bucket of water. They would spend at least a half hour painting the bricks on our house with water. They had a blast pretending to be a painter.

My husband brought home a big green bucket from a restaurant one day. They will give them to you for free. The one he brought home was a pickle bucket and is very durable. We have used it to wash our cars for many years. I would fill the bucket up with bubbles and sponges. The kids and I would wash the car in the mornings when it was cooler. They would wear their bathing suits. It was a lot of fun to play in the bucket of bubbles and to wash the car. The kids would squeal with excitement from the fun they were having. I was so happy to get the car cleaned at the same time. :-) You know how we moms like to "kill two birds with one stone"? That's what I was doing, making memories and getting my car cleaned at one time.

Have fun making memories with your children this summer!

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