Saturday, January 17, 2009

Brrr, it's cold outside - Fun things to do with your children

Here's a list of some fun ideas of things to do with your children when it's cold outside:

*Make hot cocoa and snuggle up with a good read aloud

*Go sledding together

*Make paper snowflakes

*Go bowling

*Go roller skating

*Have a snowball fight

*Play your favorite board games

*Make a pine cone bird feeder

*Measure the snowfall

*Go ice skating together

*Make snow angels and watch the snow fall together

*Visit your local library and check out books on winter themes

*Draw and color a mural showing a winter scene

*Fill a spray bottle with colored water and write in the snow

*Use sheets or boxes to build a fort inside your house

*Bundle up and take a walk in the snow by the light of the moon

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