Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Menu planning

Menu planning is another thing that I tackled a few years back when I was trying to organize my life. I really got tired of sitting down every week and planning out what we were going to eat. The older I get, the more I don't want to reinvent the wheel. LOL! Creating a menu for the entire month lowers my stress level and I'm all about lowering the stress level. A friend shared her blank calendar with me and I planned out the menus. I also put a few alternative menus at the bottom, just enough funds were running low or the meat we needed wasn't on sale that week. I'll post a copy of the blank menu planner and also a copy of our completed menu planner. Believe me, in the long run, it WILL make you life easier. And yes, it will take you an hour or so to complete it, but it's take well spent. Then, next week, you want have to spend time thinking about what you are going to eat. Just make your shopping list from the menu planner! Let me know if I can help you with this endeavor! Don't get overwhelmed! Remember, this is to help you SIMPLIFY your life!

1 comment:

Beth and Benjamin said...

All I have to say is, "I WANT TO EAT AT YOUR HOUSE!!!" My mouth is watering. We're going to give this a try. You fix so much variety. I just love it.