Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ideas for Decluttering the Children's Rooms

We all know how quickly a child's room can become a disaster, so I thought I'd start with this area first. One of the things I've found to help is purchasing bins and labeling them with what is inside. My children have learned to be organizers since we started using this system. Now, they prefer their rooms to be tidy. I'm not going to say that their rooms are ALWAYS tidy, but for the most part, it has certainly helped. You should also know that this has been a work in progress through the years. They are almost 18, almost 14 and almost 11, so I think what they've learned should be put into practice by now. :-) So, I started purchasing containers from Walmart a little at a time for what we needed them for. I bought some labels at Walmart and we went to work. All the Playmobil items are separated into whatever category they fall into, Legos, cars and trucks, all the crafts items, sewing items, shoes, historical ball items, miscellaneous keepsakes, knitting/crocheting, pocketbooks, and anything else that they want in a container. We stack these in their closets on the shelves or on the sides of the closet. The kids love that they can just look in their closet and actually find what they are looking for! I learned a long time ago from a mom of many that "everything has a home". So, we adopted that policy and try really hard to put things up where they go, when we come home, not days later. I'll stop here for today and come back with some more ideas at another time. Have fun working on your decluttering your children's rooms!

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