Sunday, December 30, 2007

Being the hands and feet of Jesus

My family and I have been discussing ways we can be Jesus' hands and feet. We are working on a list and this is what we have so far: 1) Prepare cookies or a fruit basket for the Ronald McDonald house, 2) prepare dishes for the homeless shelter, 3) work at the North Carolina Food Bank, 4) play BINGO with the residents at the assisted living where my mother lives, 5) visit with the residents on a more regular basis, and 6) prepare some goodies for the staff at the assisted living on a quarterly basis. My husband and I would like the children to learn to focus on someone else besides themselves. We want them to learn to be thoughtful and less selfish. It's so easy for us to get caught up in our every day lives and forget about serving and loving on folks who just need to know somebody cares.

1 comment:

deb said...

Molly, thanks for this post; it makes me think of what we could do! One thing I have wanted to do for a long time is to visit this ramshackle old house by the side of the road. An older man often sits out on his front porch (in nicer weather). He knows our van by now and always waves at us. So I feel that we've already struck up a friendship without even meeting. Now...the ball is really in our court, and we need to followup by taking him and his wife a goody basket or just stopping by to say hello one of the times we drive by. His name is least that's the name on his mailbox. We always talk about "George" but have never done anything about it. Thank you for spurring us on to good works and being the hands and feet of Jesus.